Monday, October 26, 2020

Week 2

 Zdravo sve! So this week was pretty great, consisted of a lot of normal studies, eating, playing games, and mtc classes. So nothing too crazy or different going on but still loving it. My district is awesome so it makes me sad I'll be leaving them this week for transfers. Also transfers feel like getting a whole other mission call because I could be going to like 4 different countries (Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia) with variety in languages hahah, but it makes me excited to go. Zagreb is still beautiful and I love walking from the hotel to the mission palace (we call it the palace because it's an actual palace from the 1600's or something). 

Language is very fun but difficult to hear through masks and zoom but that's something I'll get used to. Rules for covid and getting more apparent here, so i hope i will still have opportunities to talk to people so not all of it is over zoom and such. Anywho, great week, got one more week of mtc then we find out our first transfer.

Funny stuff: 
**they got peach scented toilet paper which is pretty funny
**played signs for like 2 hours
**burek is literally so good
**also our current place of living is literally in a night club


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

10/21/20 wednesday 11:05

 (Hello future me, you better be sick). We finally got our own room and we are staying in a night club so lets go. Like literally we walk in and music is BLARING as we walk upstairs but it's so funny. Its a nice change from the APs room (Elder port and Kennington: both awesome guys whom I love) which we stayed with 6 dudes so that was hard to cram hahah. Mtc in Croatia is hard to focus and stay awake but fun to be with everyone studying. This will be fun to keep trying everything.

Word of the day: kakati - to poop

Vidimo se sutra


Monday, October 19, 2020

Prvo tjedan!

 Bok sve! 

So this is the first email of my mission (i figured there was nothing crazy in the at home mtc) but nonetheless it has all been quite a journey up until now. We arrived in Zagreb Croatia two days ago and it is such a beautiful city! The main things we've done here have been things like taking a small tour of Zagreb, gone shopping, tried some food, and played some games. All of which is way fun and judging off of what I've heard people speak, i still have lots to learn. I'll catch a thing here or there. Tried ordering food for the first time which was so scary but a fun experience hahah. 

Spiritual stuff: we had church at home (the mission palace) . The reason it's called that is because it's a building that was built in the 1600s, and the old mission home was destroyed in an earthquake. But it was very cool doing it, just ĺike church at home (thanks family). We have all said prayers in the language which is way fun because we all know basic phrases yet everyone creates new sentences and it's awesome to see the growth, the gift of tongues is real guys. 

Besides that it's been awesome! I would love to hear from yall so if you want to send emails go for it. 

For now, vidimo se! 

Starješina Gubler or goobie


Sunday, October 18, 2020

First Email from Elder Gubler

Bok obitelj! Stigao sam

So I made it, meeting everyone was seriously awesome they are all sooo cool. We went to the mission home and met the mission presidents and such who are literally the coolest. Then we met the APs whose apartment we just slept in and they are both way cool. The mission palace is such a cool place and Croatia is literally beautiful. Haven't really got the chance to try the language yet but watching one of the APs talking to a cop was crazy and we learned a bit about dialects and such but it's gonna be a long way before I can have a nice conversation hahah, so yeah just woke up and it's way cool, I'm excited to get started on everything!

Once I get my actual phone I'll sent another email but in the mean time I'll talk to y'all soon

Love you guys

Starješina Gubler


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saying Goodbye and Saying Hello

 October 16, 2020

Final goodbye's...full of emotions...but most of all, happiness!

Hello President and Sister Fields!

"Elder Gubler is here!  This is a picture of him with President and Sister Field in the Mission Home! 

The missionaries have been fed, will receive a few instructions and are headed off to bed.  They are all so excited…as are we!

Oh my goodness, he was just beaming!!  It was fun just to be around him and see him smile!

He is awesome! Thank you for sharing your amazing son with us."


Brigham City Temple

October 14, 2020

We had a wonderful morning at the Brigham City Temple. We were the only ones there!  Such an amazing experience. 

Opening of mission call in Colombia

 March 10, 2020

Salento, Colombia

Dear Elder Gubler, 

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints... You are assigned to labor in the Adriatic North Mission and will prepare to preach the gospel in the Croatian language...


Russel M. Nelson

Words cannot express the joy and excitement of this moment.

Split Baptism

  Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some ser...