Monday, September 27, 2021

Picking an Apple

Hello evabody! So this week has been pretty eventful, we had a lesson with someone who had questions about life and so we had nice discussions about the value of life and how beautiful it can be.

We also had one of the Samoan missionaries, Elder Lealofi, living with us this week and it was so fun. He is an AMAZING cook and such a fun happy guy. Having him with us was definitely just a boost of joy. 

We had a service Project with a member up in the Selo and it was basically just cleaning out an old house. It was so fun, she is blind and she has a friend named Srećko who is such a nice man, and I found this really cool vest and some old Crostian fairy tail movies

We had a fun English class with two people. First with Blanka who has a group that shares cool stories with their Croatian sheep dogs and she gave us one to help translate because she wants to make a book. Another we met for the first time, she was super nice and we will hopefully be able to meet with her later this week.

I may have mentioned this already but we teach English at a company that works with UEFA and it's is cool. We have been doing a toastmasters kind of thing which has been super fun, the people there are nice and funny, especially Tatijan. He is like Fadil from Bosnia so that is a lot of fun

Lastly we went to Zadar this week and it's a city on the coast, literally beautiful. With the elders there we did a game night and we met some younger people there and one of them was a girl who plays on the Croatian national soccer team so that was way cool. She wants to go to America to play soccer too so that's cool.

Speaking of soccer we had a good turn out. One more fun thing, whenever I play soccer I'll wear my Modrić jersey and a lot of the kids or people i meet cant say my name so they just cal me Modrić and when I see them elsewhere besides soccer like out in the town I'll just hear "MODRRIĆ" and we all freak out and talk and hang out for a bit. So awesome!

That's about all folks, enjoy your week!



Tuesday, September 21, 2021


 Hello svima! Okay so this week has been pretty good

So the beginning we had our soccer group turn out super well, we had a good turn out of people and it was so smooth between meeting up, choosing teams, and playing and there was no complications it was so nice. Plus the quality of play was just really nice too.

The next day we were inviting a bunch of members to branch conference by making brownies and such and taking it to their house and sadly it did not work out very well because addresses didn't work or they didn't respond or want anything. But it was still good to go to parts of the city and I haven't been to.

That same day we also had a lesson with Nina and we set a date for baptism! We are gonna work with her to help her be ready for that so that should be super cool! I am very excited. It's set after transfers right now so I hope I'm still here for it.

Later in the week we also went to this burger festival that was such a fun vibe. Just music, and bunch of burger shops. It was soo fun that we went twice. Once with missionaries and once with Nina.

Towards the end of the week we had an exchange in Rijeka and it is soo beautiful there wow. It's on the coast and is very hilly so just filled with stairs and pretty buildings and the sea. Very nice.

Lastly on pday we did an escape room and finished it will literally 1 second left and we met this singer guy that I thought looked kind of like Bob Ross, but he's Italian so like a Mario Bob Ross kind of mix.

Anywho have a great week yall!
Elder Gubler 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Zone Conference

 So this week was pretty good! Soccer has been seriously so fun as always like literally keeping me alive. The kids there are so fun and now we have around 12 to 18 people coming every time, it's literally so much fun!

We have been teaching some English classes too.

For teaching, one of our friends has been asking about baptism and it's been so fun teaching her. She keeps asking me genuine questions and it's a good time so I hope everything works out well there. She is a lil shy so she says and asks a lot in texts and stuff but in person it's not quite as much. 

We had Elder Allioud come to our mission which was a lot of fun! Learned some good stuff from him, plus he joined for zone conference. We had a presentation we had to give and they let us know we had it like two days before so we threw up something and it actually worked super well hahah, Alen if you read these emails, I told a story about you in it when I first tried to speak to you in Bosnian. It was so awesome. I think people enjoyed it so that was good

Today we visited Plitvice which are these beautiful Waterfalls/lakes in Croatia. 
 We also made it on one of our friends YouTube so check it out

Honestly that's about it for this week. Here some pics.


Split Baptism

  Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some ser...