Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Baptism Week

 Bok Bok svima!

Alrighty so I forgot to write a weekly last week, whoops. But I'll quickly summarize both the weeks. So the main stuff last week is we started teaching a new guy named Oliver who was a pretty nice guy! He came to church the Sunday after and we are going to meet up with him again this coming week so iIam excited for that. 

With our soccer group that we made, its been going so well recently, we have been meeting new people like at least one or two every time we play. We are still working out times and places and such but that has been so much fun. Its such a fast way to connect with people, plus it just feels good to be playing again.

That was pretty much everything from two weeks ago. 

This week also had some fun stuff. Soccer is sill going great hahah, but outside of that we also met this other girl named Nina. She is pretty nice and we were able to introduce her to the Book of Mormon and give a tour of the church and stuff. We have had two lessons with her and she has had lots of questions which is awesome, and now we are going to start reading it together. She told us she feels good when she meets with us so hopefully we can keep that same spirit there.

We had exchanges this week which was a fun time, I got to go to Varazdin which was awesome! The place feels like i'm in Disneyland, it has the cobblestone roads and fun streets and buildings plus there is literally a castle like a minute away from the apartment there.

The big squeeze was that we had a baptism this weekend! It was so awesome, I got to give the talk about baptism itself which was cool, I only had like a day to get it ready though, I literally finished it the day of which was funny but it all went well. The lady is super super awesome! I was a very cool experience.

On pday we went and played volleyball with some of our friends and a bunch of Samoan elders which was sooo fun, one of the friends is named Denis, he is the son of the mom who got baptized and he is so fun, I freaking love the guy. Another friend we hung out with this week was Marijana, she is so sweet and fun, she was born in Bosnia but lived in the US. So she speaks a little more of the Bosnian side and it was so fun to talk with her because it just reminds me of Bosnia. Speaking of, it was her birthday and we had lunch together at this way fun cake place.

That is about everything! Wish you all an awesome week!


Saturday, August 7, 2021


 Okay so this week was pretty fun! The main thing was that we had zone conference this week! So we gave a fun presentation about how to become limitless, we had some good analogies with ice cubes and such (thanks mom) that went perfectly with it. So that turned out super well and I enjoyed it a lot, then we had an activity and played a bunch of soccer and spike ball which was also so fun, it's been so long since I've played either of those

On the soccer note; we created a soccer Facebook group where we have games weekly and this week was our first meet up and we had a pretty good turn out! We met some way fun kids while we played and some that we invited came! Lately we have been doing a ton of soccer and it's literally been so much fun. We met this little dude named Kristijan who was such a stud. The second time we met these two other kids named Ivan and Luka who were such studs, we ended up playing with them against these other pabs and we won πŸ†.  

Sacrament meeting was the craziest one ever. We come in and like these families just start walking in and I was like what the heck and and turn to my companion and was like "is this normal?" And he's like no I have no idea what's going on. There was like 80 people! We found out a lot of them were American visiting and stuff but it was so cool! Our Brazilian friend also came and gave a fun testimony at the end hahah. He spoke really close to the microphone and also yelled at the same time and so it was superrrrr loud and the translator barely had time to translate what he was saying hahah. We also met this guy named tomΓ‘Ε‘ who is from the Czech Republic! He is such a stud, he is like 22 and was baptized a few years ago and just got off his mission a month or so ago and is gonna visit his girlfriend in America. He has come with us to soccer and stuff, literally such a fun dude.

Okay besides that I think that's about it

Side note: we saw a vending machine for eggs 

That's been the gist of this week.


Split Baptism

  Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some ser...