Tuesday, April 19, 2022

This week was great! I am really loving it in Zadar, it is so pretty here. This week mainly consisted of some meetings, meeting new people, and preparing for the Easter events! We met some cool people from Colorado, Chicago, and France, all living in Germany and teaching some language there. They were fun to hang out with and it's always a pleasant surprise to meet Americans again hahah

For Easter, we got to travel to an island again (just to pick something up but going there was pretty fun) then we came back and bought a ton of food for the barbecue afterwards. The next day we helped prepare the food and then went to the church to set up. The event itself was a ton of fun, I gave a talk kind of on the spot which was exciting. It was a nice confidence booster that I can now do that in a different language. There is still tons to learn but it's a nice next step. Another member gave a talk and hers was great! It was good because she was a little nervous for it but it went well. At the end we did little performances and I played riptide on the Ukulele in front of everyone and everyone was singing along and such, it was like a little concert and it was so much fun hahah. Afterwards we had the barbecue which was so tasty. The chef, a dad of a member family, named Freddy (along with the grandparents) cooked up all this food and he is one of the best cooks I know on this planet. The whole day was a ton of fun! Freddy's family is awesome, Zveki is the mom and they have four kids: Kezia, Kian, Karisa, and Kris. All a fun bunch

The next day we went to Split for their Easter activity. Split is also beautiful, definitely a lot bigger. Got to know the members and friends there better too which was nice.

Pday was fun! We played soccer on a big and nice turf field and it felt SO GOOD to run around tap a ball around and such. It literally changed the whole day for me. We climbed up a bell tower too in Centar to get a way pretty view.

Last thing is my new companion (Elder Crane//we got some new missionaries here from Bulgaria until they get visas to Bulgaria again, so we have a total of four in Zadar now, two being from Bulgaria) he got appendicitis unfortunately, which at the time we didn't know, but I drove him up to Zagreb at the end of the day and got in at like 10:15 at the hospital. I had to wait outside so I was just chilling in the car alone waiting for a response to know what it was, which we found out it was appendicitis. Then I waited to see when they would do surgery and so on. In all I waited outside in the car until like 3 in the morning, falling asleep here in there. Then I finally went to the Zagreb apartment (my old one) once we found out the time for his surgery. So now I'm in Zagreb for a couple days now which should be fun.

That's all! Hope you had a great Easter. Remember He lives.

Elder Gubler

Split Baptism

  Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some ser...