Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Split Baptism

 Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some service with members. The family Fernandes is one we do a lot with, they are so fun and a great family!

We helped a dog shelter move locations by moving homes and other things. That's been fun but super hot, we plan to keep helping out with that as well.

We hung out with our friend Nikša, a boy with autism, and his family which we have been doing for a month or two now but that's been super fun and it's something I hope will keep going. It's a nice bond we have.

Then we went to Split for a baptism in the sea!! It was super cool and a beautiful experience. The woman was named Amilja and she is the sweetest, and very energetic woman. My mtc comp Elder Blake baptized her so it was way cool to see that happen. 

Before we went down to Split, we had a restoration lesson with the Sarkanović family. It was our first official lesson with them and it went SOO well. It was done in English because they like to speak English and then we can all participate. We didn't even end up teaching the whole thing, just the first half.  But it was so cool to hear their experiences with God that let them know He is there for them. I hope since then it's affected them in a good way, I'd love to keep meeting and talking with them. They are super nice, respectful, and willing to learn with us.

Lastly we had zone pday on an island called Krk, up by Rijeka northern Croatia. We walked around this castle and played games, it was fun too see everyone and said goodbye to people for the 4th time I think hahah, because every other time we thought was going to be our last.

Anyway that's about all. Hope you all have a great week!

Monday, July 4, 2022

Last Zone Conference


This week been good. It started us with doing service at an old folks home to deliver lunches to people who are bed ridden. Then we met with some friends, Andrea, Juka, Iva, and Ivona before they left back to their cities which are else where in Croatia, that was a ton of fun, we have been playing Secret Hitler with them majority of the times hahah love that game.

Then we had zone conference, good stuff, said goodbye to people because I probably wont see them again, so that was pretty sad but good to see them again.

Next day we visited the branch president on the island Ugljan which was a ton of fun as always!

Next we had a church activity to clean the church and had a couple members show up to help which was nice. One of them, Orijana,  helped deliver a Book of Mormon to a friend of ours who lives on her island Pašman. So it was good for them to meet and we hope to be able to have a lesson with them in person which would be cool.

We continue our time with this family who has a child with autism and it's been so fun especially because the volunteering period is technically done but we and they were still down to meet up so we still are. I think we are leaving a good impact for them as a family.

Then we built cornhole for our upcoming red cross American barbecue with a friend here Freddy. Then we went to a place called ždrijac in nin to play volleyball with a buddy of ours who invited some Germans he met who are now gonna come to our soccer group so that's awesome.

The soccer group this week was fun, we had some newcomers from England and Croatia, the English guy you could tell had played before, he know off ball movement and had good touches and apparently he played at the west ham academy which is sick 

For today, the fourth of July, we kept it pretty chill but a family we have been meeting with invited us for a dinner to help us feel at home and so we had that, taught some stuff, and it was so nice of them. They are a great family here. They're called the Sarkanovićs. I hope to keep meeting with them

That's about all for the week, hope all is well!

Split Baptism

  Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some ser...