Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Bokić! Okay so this week hasn't been too crazy. The main thing is we have officially moved to Zagreb! So I spent like a week or so in Karlovac but like 5 of those days were spent in Zagreb anyway for hospital stuff, pday, and vaccination. So the reasoning for our moving was because some of the missionaries in Zagreb got moved to Bosnia and so they were short people. And because Karlovac is like the most self sustaining branch, they decided to move us into Zagreb. So far I have loved it, we did a bunch of service with some people. We helped hand out food to the homeless with the Catholic church here which was a ton of fun, then we also helped a friend of ours move her stuff to her new apartment. Her name is Maja and she is the nicest person EVER, oh she's great. Outside of that, we have been preparing for zone conference and stuff and our presentation. The time I had with the Business Scholars has helped me a strangely large amount on the mission with presentations and public speaking hahah, so I am glad for that, little blessings. We are gonna have zone conference at an actual church building which is crazy, seeing the actual church building is very cool compared to a rented building.

On pday we met a guy from Brazil here who got pictures with us and stuff. He is a member studying international law I believe it was. It is always nice to meet someone so nice and fun. 

Speaking of nice people, there are these sisters here that have been on there missions for 3 years now because they couldn't get home from covid. They are from Tonga and they have been spending some time in Croatia as part of their quarantine filled journey home. So we spent pday with them, they are all amazing and I have no idea how they are all still so happy with everything it's crazy

Before we left to Zagreb, we got the chance to help a friend with some yard work. She is from Finland and she has a ton of dogs and competes in all of Europe in dog tournaments and she has this one that is like a 5 time European champion. So that was a very cool time to talk to her and her dogs. She also has the most beautiful and comfy little home, it's awesome

Honestly that was about it, still getting settled in, language is still fun! It's harder to get more practice here because there's a good chunk of people who speak English so you really have to put an effort to speak the language here, so I'm hoping I don't get lazy.

Hope yall are doing great! Pictures.



Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Week 1 croatia

 So this is officially the end of the first week in Croatia for me. It has been forever since I've been here and it's been so fun here so far, I think I mentioned last week but the language is a tad different so it's cool to note the differences. Also apparently I accent things like a Bosnian which it's awesome hahah.

Anyway this week was mostly spent doing visa stuff and getting settled in. We met with some members who are literally AWESOME. when we were doing Visa stuff we bumped in to an old missionary who was here on a trip and we went with him to visit the branch president here. Yes they have a branch president, literally being here is blowing my mind. They are a fully functioning branch. When we went to church, it's was so weird because I didn't have to do anything to set up, lead, talk, or like anything. It was quite the experience, we did introduce ourselves but that was about it. All the members here are soo awesome too, there are still a lot to meet. Alongside church, we also got to see the Zagreb church building which was soooo cool, it's the only actually chapel we have in the mission, sadly didn't get to the inside yet.

Outside of that we also got our first dose of the vaccine! Wahoo! That was good and we get the second one in a little bit. But we got it in Zagreb so we have been in and out of Zagreb a lot this past week. Both Karlovac and Zagreb are so pretty. 

My companion is pregnant too, with twins. My guy (Elder Teeples) is giving birth to two kidney stones. He has had like 11 ish kidney stones his whole mission but he has been handling it like a champ. He and I have a lot of fun together and it's only been like a week, he's a way sweet guy.

Sorry I kind of just jump around in these, but I found a license plate which was exciting because missionaries here try to collect them so that was awesome.

That's about all, izvolite slike.



 This word i used to the subject is so long, like some of the words here just never end man.

Anyway this week was our transfers! So I am currently in Zagreb in quarantine right now but by the end of the day I'll be in Karlovac! That's going to be my next area, I'll be a zone and district leader there so that will be fun, I'll get to do a LOT of exchanges so I am stoked for that, I'll be able to check out of a lot of Croatia. 

Being here I am having to have to get used to Croatian, it's really not crazy different from Bosnian but a few words and some grammar stuff but it's still a weird shift for me hahaha. Another thing I am getting used to is seeing this many missionaries hahah, I am only used to seeing like 2 to 4 other missionaries and now its like a lot more so this week has just been a good chunk of adjusting. 

The hotel we are quarantining at is a 5 star hotel and it has been soooo weird hahah, I don't know how to use any of the fancy stuff here. 

Before we left we just said good bye to all our friends and such from Bosnia and it was pretty sad but super fun and I have been so glad to serve there with everyone there. Low key, I already miss Bosnia and being able to avoid all mission drama and politics but like it's okay. One day I hope I I back.

That's about all! Have a fantastic week!


Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Hello! So this week nothing too crazy happened actually, we had our normal stuff and service like english class and horse service and soup kitchen.

One of the people we have been teaching came to church again this week so that was awesome!

The big squeeze this week was transfer announcements, I found out I am going to Karlovac Croatia! It's a smaller town like 40 mins or so outside of Zagreb. I am excited to get a change and stuff! I'll have to switch some things in the way I speak and such which will be fun hahah, the languages here are pretty much the same just a few different words and grammar changes.
I have met some of the nicest people ever here in Bosnia! One of those people is a lady named Hatidza, she works in Bascarsija and missionaries always buy pape (socks) from her. She is soooo awesome. There are so many people in Bosnia I'm going to miss, saying goodbye was hard.  But I'm looking forward to meeting new people in Croatia. 

That's about it! Y'all have an awesome week!



Split Baptism

  Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some ser...