Monday, January 18, 2021

Weekly Opet

This week was pretty fun! For Pday today, we went to a tunnel museum that was made during the siege of Sarajevo which was used to deliver supplies to the people in Sarajevo. It was very interesting and cool to see everything. There was a video that showed the war and it was weird to see the buildings and places we walk by everyday that were once blown up or on fire during the war.

Also here is more missionary work we did this week (got some emails asking for the missionary info so evo ga).

This week we had another Banja Luka trip which was low key one of the more chill ones because it snowed up there so everyone canceled on our meetings with them. So that was fun. We went from Tuesday to Wednesday evening. We then had an English life event where we taught the past tense which English past tense is wak. We also went to visit the one guy who called us a while ago about the gospel (we met with him twice and it went awesome), so we drove up to where he lives and knocked on his door and no one answered. So we walked around town and couldn't find him. But it snowed a TON so it was kinda fun. Then we drove home to deliver a gift to someone whose dad was in the hospital and since the snow was crazy it took twice as long to get there (originally 45 minutes). And once there, we show up and the address we were given was the name of the village and the words "bez broj" which means no number. And turns out the entire village didn't have addresses on the houses so we had to ask people we found outside where this girl lived. We ended up having a vague idea and left a gift with our number so hopefully she got it and if not someone else can hopefully text us.

Yall are awesome
(PS Knitting Club Update: I finished knitting my first scarf so that's sick. I am currently working on a hat)

Monday, January 11, 2021

Snowshoeing in the Bosnian Hills

 Hello hello. This week was pretty solid, we had a nice time posting a Facebook Christmas video for the Orthodox Christmas (which is Jan 7th). We also had our first service project from our Facebook page we made so that was very enjoyable and we hope to get more service opportunities. Besides that we did some good missionary stuff and planned some stuff for the future like Facebook Live events and such. 

Today we went snowshoeing which was awesome. Who knew my first time snowshoeing would be in Bosnia in the middle of a pandemic hahah! Any who, the snow was super deep, like as tall as I am and some spot a little deeper. All the snow was untouched as well because we were the only ones up there so it was absolutely beautiful. I was freezing though, I didn't pack like snow gear for my mission so I'm out there in jeans just dying but it was so worth it. 

1. Snow shoeing


Monday, January 4, 2021


So this week was pretty fun! Did some cool missionary stuff, if you're interested to hear about that send me an email. For the rest of you, I think you want to hear more about our trip to a militarily secret: Tito's nuclear bunker.

So during the cold war Tito made this bunker that is literally massive just in the side of a mountain. The entrance is like a normal looking building but its actually just empty. Then you walk into this thick metal doors and into the bunker. If any of you have played Fallout, it's the same vibe. It was made to hold 350 of the most important people in Yugoslavia, and only one woman (Tito's wife). What's crazy is there are tons of other bunkers throughout the Balkans, but this one is the largest. It was kept a secret up until 2012 when they couldn't fund it so they opened it up for tours to make money for it. There was a ton to learn about how they got water, food and electricity. They said that it was able to withstand an attack 5 times bigger than Hiroshima. Also they have these two huge tanks of oil in them and at one point there was an order to blow up the entire bunker so know one would know about it but these two Bosnian dudes intercepted the order. So they were gonna blow it up by putting dynamite in the oil room place and draw a fuse all the way out and blow it up. These two Bosnian people cut the fuse so it didn't go off, thus saving the bunker. It was really interesting and very cool to see all about it. I seriously felt like I was in one of those movies based on the Cold War: military secrets, nuclear wars, bunkers, old typewriters, spies, codes, strategies. It was very cool.

Here are some pictures:
(The last one is of all the mini bunkers they made for all the families in Yugoslavia, now used by homeless people.)


Split Baptism

  Hello! This week was pretty good! Nothing crazy eventful at the beginning. Found and met some cool people to teach online and did some ser...