Monday, October 18, 2021



Bok bok! Hows everyone's week. Mines been pretty fun. Nothing too crazy actually, rather just a few main points.

We finally transfer planned which took like 2 or 3 days because we had so many random obligations to do. One of which was we had to wake up soo early to take some missionaries going home to the air port, we woke up at like 4 and I was just so tired the rest if the day, even after a nap and such it was crazy. I am excited for the transfer though and I think I will learn a ton. My comp Elder Peterson is a great guy and we both want to get our language abilities up so this coming week we are trying an "English fast" and only do Croatian the whole week. So far it's been good hahah, it helps keep my mind in language. We got some fun things planned for the work in general. We also got some good bonding time and had some good conversations during transfer planing which was fun.

The next thing was that we had return and report for the two Canadian missionaries Elder Atwood and Elder Thompson (my grandson) which was so fun. They did great and they are both such studs too it was awesome. They came out to the mission later than normal because Canada wasn't letting out of the country for covid, but now they have made it after a couple months. It felt weird leading it but it was still good. 

Then we had a service opportunity which was so fun! We have been working with these people called "čisteći medvjedići" which means cleaning bears which is kind of fun. We went with them to join this other service group called Rangers. We met in Sisak, about an hour out of Zagreb, and cleaned up along side a river. It was literally so fun and we met so many fun people. We got these free shirts and medals for helping which was fun. Plus there was this one lady leading it and she would give announcements and stuff through these speakers and stuff and while we were eating lunch, she started welcoming the guest volunteers (us) and started walking over. As she's walking over I just take the biggest bite of my sandwich and am chewing and she comes over and begins to ask me questions and to introduce myself and us and what not. So I'm like chewing as fast as humanly possible then had this brief interview which was super fun hahah, my mouth was still a little full of bread during it, whoops. Kind of scary because I'm still working on the Croatian. It was all so fun though, so many great people, especially thus one woman named Zora who is this sweet lady who is always just so happy and laughing so I hope we can see her again.

Church was good, we had some people come and got to know these two younger dudes named Adrijan Flis and Danijel Babić and I was talking to them about brawl stars and rocket league and now we are going to play together when I get home and I could not be more excited hahah!

Final note: Samoan missionaries finally made it home after 3 months here haha but now 5 missionaries from the Kiribati island are here, they have been serving for like 35 or 36 months now. I feel so bad, they are just trying to get vaccinated then go home. So meeting them was super cool.

Besides that we had a fun pday playing sports and such, got some nice food and a nice tour of zagreb. Fun fact: Zagrabiti - to scoop (story of the name Zagreb. Za short for iza (behind) and greb for name of water banks. This because it was behind the river) (when a someone asked a lady to scoop up some water from the bank she sajd, "zagrebi mando").
Elder Gubler



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