Monday, November 29, 2021


 Hahaha don't let the title deceive you, this week may not have been fun. But also don't let these words deceive you, maybe it was fun. Who knows?

Nah we good don't worry. This week wasn't too crazy to be honest. Had a good chunk of meetings and contacting and planning and such. We have just been preparing for activities this coming month for Christmas and such so that's exciting. That is consisting of us working together with a service organization called čisteći medvjedići, which just means Cleaning Bears in Croatian. That one should be ton of fun and I am excited for it.

As for activities we have already done, we had Thanksgiving in Zagreb with majority of the missionaries in Croatia and then the missionaries from Slovenia, which was way fun because we don't get to see them too often. That was a ton of fun to see everyone and such! The only bummer was that it became our new pday so we had to go a like an extra 3 days without a pday (nothing too bad to complain about I know). 
Aside from that we did some service out at a Catholic church (on a street called Sveti Duh which literally means Holy Spirit) and it was cool. We helped pass out food to the homeless, plus we got to know the people there a lot better when we had lunch and stuff afterwards. They actually asked us to come back again to help with something else with this other guy who was in charge of this others group that focuses on awareness of those with physical disabilities. His vision was kind of to just have those with disabilities feel that they are no different than others. He was having an event where they would have people in wheelchairs cook this cool meals and such. I think it was such a cool idea and a great group and I was glad I could help out a bit.

While we were there we met these other dudes who were closer to our age volunteering at the church (only during the winter and such) and it was so fun. They were so dazzled by the fact we could speak Croatian. They were like, "so you're actually American? Like no relatives or anything who are from Croatia?" It was awesome, definitely a confidence booster. Plus some of them where from Bosnia, so i was able to bond a lot better with them (mainly over ćevapi hahah), I hope to see them again, we all plan to.

Last thing was we got to support one of our friends from the Cleaning Bears service group in one of his things. He invites us to a play and we were like yeah sure. We thought it was going to be like a high school kind of play. So we buy tickets and such and show up, its literally a full blown opera at a very big theatre place. They were performing "animal farm" which I must say, is a very interesting idea and fascinating opera. It was cool because they did it in english and had translations into Croatian on these screen things, some good language practice. The opera itself did very good at making you feel like you were in it hahah. Anywho that was way fun. 
Small note ill add is that it is adventure here in Croatia, so they have Christmas stuff everywhere and it's beautiful. Apparently it's been voted 3 times the best place for Christmas in Europe or something like that.

Today we are going to play soccer at this rented out place and i am so excited, it should be a lot of fun.
Hope yall have a great week! 

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