Monday, March 28, 2022


 Hello everyone! So since the last email, transfers have happened!! So originally I was put in a place called čačak Serbia, which is this small town in Southern Serbia. I was a little worried going to it especially from Zagreb because I have been crazy busy for the past 6 months and it's been sooo much fun! Being busy on the mission is the best. So it would be going from super busy to a lot less busy, so a bit more slower days. Preparing to leave I was saying goodbye to all the people I met in Zagreb and it was really sad ;( I have known so many of them for quite some time now. Some of them gave me gifts. Things like a book with Buddhist short stories in Croatian, Croatian phrases, a shirt with my name on it, treats, souvenirs, and so on.

While this was all going on, I had a pain in my knee that's been there for about 4 weeks, so I went and got it checked out. We were worried it was going to be something with the meniscus but we are all good, and an MRI showed that it wasn't the meniscus but just some other tendon was inflamed. But because of that I have to stay in Zagreb for a couple more days.

The last Sunday was awesome. We had so many people come to say goodbye to me, and an old companion Elder Peterson because he was going home. We had like 15 new people at church. People from čisteći medvjedići, others service groups, our three friends from Kosovo, and a ton of Investigators/friends. I love all the people I have met on my mission.

What ended up happening with transfers though was that we had some Ukrainian missionaries in Croatia, some were requested from the first presidency to move to areas where there are Ukrainian refugees to help them out. So a couple left Croatia and a slot needed to be filled in Zadar and President Field said for me to go!! So now I am in Zadar (coastal city) and it is soooo BEAUTIFUL. I cannot believe this place, plus the people and members are awesome here. Today we were just in a Croatian tie shop and talking with the lady there and we talked for about 2 hours about life, Christ, religion, and everything. It has be tons of fun so far.

Something kind of fun, I am working on the Ukulele again which has been good. It's been in hibernation for a bit so it's nice to bust it out now, so if you have any good song recommendations to learn please send them my way!!
Also my new companion is Elder Larson!! Very cool guy here, he on his second transfer and it's been a ton of fun so far!
 I also forgot to mention we were in Zagreb for the light festival which was cool, they just had these cool light shows all over the city.






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